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1. My entire background is in the arts. Growing up, I took anything and everything artistic from singing, acting, dancing and visual arts throughout elementary, high-school and university.  I basically love doing anything that I can apply creatively. I’m a visual person so when it comes to food or setting a table, I really appreciate the presentation and making food look pretty — it really is an art!  Atmosphere is something I always notice when I walk into a new place, I SO appreciate a good ambiance.

2. I have a big obsession with Europe. I love the historical buildings, the way of life, the food, the art, the fashion, the list goes on. I see inspiration at every turn and I mostly love that people watching is actually a thing people do there!

3. I love humour, specifically slap-stick comedy. I’m not a sarcastic person at all. I’m pretty blunt and overly expressive at times — but laughing is my favourite thing in life! I also have no problem laughing at myself because life’s too short to take everything SO seriously!

4. I met my husband when I was 13 years old one summer while studying and dancing abroad in Italy. Ten years later he proposed to me in beautiful Positano, a memory and place I will cherish forever.  And here we are, 2 amazing kids and approaching 10 years of marriage under our belts!!

5. Most of my life I’ve been told I either look like Celine Dion or a young Cher. Some days both! I can actually imitate them pretty well (I have a knack for impersonations) so if anyone needs Cher or Celine for their next party, call me;)

6. Can’t swallow pills. Nope, no way. I’m like a 5 year old. It’s just not happening.

7. I’ve hated running shoes most of my life. I thought they weren’t ladylike lol and my flat feet actually prefer heels! (I can comfortably do a light jog in heels). Boy have things changed — I never thought I would actually be living in runners everyday!

8. Things I don’t do anymore….play piano and ski;(

9. I have a sweet tooth. I tend to like everything on the sweeter side.  My indulgences include pastries, ice cream and fine chocolate. Of course I prefer good quality, super fresh or homemade baking over anything that has shelf life. I never ever was a candy girl. It just doesn’t do it for me at all.

10. I’m not competitive. Even as a young person I just didn’t have that in me, and it’s something I always felt bad about because I thought it was wrong. I do believe in working hard and having discipline but I don’t need the medal at the end. I think competition just makes people feel crappy when they don’t “win” and really, everyone moves at a different pace in all aspects of life. It’s just what I believe!

Written by Pamela
I started this website as a place for me to share my combined knowledge and passion for fitness and nutrition. I hope to encourage and inspire people to make healthy-eating, a lifestyle.

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