Hello, I'm Pamela. Welcome to my...
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I had a look in my cupboards…and came up with this. Simple, yummy and nutritious. I prefer jarred peaches over canned peaches. Fortunately, my family picks and jars peaches every summer and so I always have them on hand.


  • 1 cup of quick oats
  • 1 cup of sunflower seeds
  • 4 tbsp of agave or honey
  • canned peaches
  • cinnamon
    (Makes approximately 24 mini tarts)


  1. For dough, mix quick oats, sunflower seed and agave or honey and blend until dough is formed.
  2. Place muffin-tin liners in your muffin tray and press mould your dough to the shape of the cup
  3. For filling, slice jarred peaches, add cinnamon and fill cups
  4. Bake for 10min at 350f