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Here are some family friendly products I’ve been using on myself and kids for years. It can be overwhelming to figure out which products are safe and actually work. So here are a few that are tried, tested and true!

Lily of the Desert Aloe Vera Gel:
The inner filling of the aloe-vera plant is known for its healing properties. Used as a topical treatment, it’s been commonly used to treat minor wounds, burns, and skin irritations. While the intention is not to burn on your vacay, if any sort of redness occurs, my go-to without a doubt is this all-natural Aloe-Vera Gel. This is the next best thing to using the actual plant itself. It is by far the BEST after-sun moisturizer that actually works. Toss those other lotions aside that don’t really have a high percentage of aloe and purchase the real thing instead.

Badger Sunscreen:
The big problem when it comes to purchasing sunscreen is that most commercial stores don’t make it easy for us. Unless you’re at a health food store, higher end pharmacy or grocery store, clean sunscreens are hard to find. Since my little ones were babies, I made a real effort to search for good products. Quality sunscreens are important because of how much you use them and how much they absorb into the skin. Look for a sunscreen without oxybenzone or octinoxate. What you need is a high level of the mineral zinc oxide and good UVA and UVB protection. Badger is the sunscreen that I’ve used for years. It’s non-toxic and made of clean ingredients.

Thursday Plantation Tee-Tree Oil:
This oil comes from the malaleuca plant and it has been in my cupboard for a long time for numerous reasons. It has been used more frequently since having had kids because it’s another safe and natural topical treatment. Any time they have a minor swelling I apply it to the area. Since it has antiseptic properties, I’ve also used it a lot to treat acne. Place some on a q-tip and dab the irritated spot. I love travelling with it because it’s the best topical treatment for mosquito bites that is safe to use on kids. It also helps to prevent head lice so put a few drops around your childs hairline and behind the ears.

Everyone Hand Sanitizer:
Hand sanitizer is product that has become so popular over the years to prevent germs and in some situations it’s totally necessary and in others it’s completely overused. However, when travelling with kids, as moms, we know we need to carry some on us at all times. The commercial hand sanitizers have alcohol in them and a lot of other smelly chemicals. They can strip your skins oils and leave them really dry. When there’s no soap or water around and your kids need to eat their favourite snack with their hands, I prefer to use an all-natural option that does the same job. This hand sanitizer spray doesn’t dry out the skin, and is safe for kids. I also LOVE the coconut-lemon scent. I highly recommend this product, especially if you use hand sanitizers frequently.