Hello, I'm Pamela. Welcome to my...
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1. Don’t skip meals. Muscle is hungry, re-fuel every 3-4 hours. Don’t allow blood-sugar to dip too low (that’s when bad food choices are usually made).

2. Eat for nutrition and not for calories. Whole foods = clean foods. The focus should be on what the food provides nutritionally (pay attention to ingredients) instead of how many calories it contains.

3. Eat intuitively. Be aware of when you’re hungry and when you’re not. Some days you may require more fuel than others, listen to your body and follow its natural desires.

5. Eat close to nature. Choose foods in their most natural, unprocessed forms. Choose, local, organic, non-genetically modified, anti-biotic and hormone-free foods. The less chemical additives in your food, the more natural and healthy they are for your body! Remember, their are high-quality options available in every food group.

6. Eat seasonally. Look for foods that match the season. Your body actually wants food that follow the temperature of the season you’re living in. Be conscious to either stick to or include a lot of these foods into your diet.

7. Drink lots of fluids. Lemon with water either warm or cold is both detoxifying and energizing. Adding a table-spoon of raw organic apple-cider vinegar to a tall glass of water is great for your digestive system as you get a dose of gut-promoting probiotics.

8. Be present while eating. Sit down, enjoy your food and eat it in a calm, normal pace and state. Life is busy but food is necessary for life and it should be a priority.

9. Don’t aim for perfection. Perfect doesn’t exist in anyone or in anyone’s diet. Enjoy your treats without guilt but keep the bulk of your food intake high-quality.

10. Bad eating is derived from bad-habits. If you make small changes to your lifestyle, your food will change with you:)

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Chickpeas are an excellent source of plant-protein. They are very high in fiber which is important for gut and heart-health and they also help to control blood-sugar levels. You may find it odd to use chickpeas in a treat, however, since they are naturally sweet tasting with a potato-like texture once blended they are really delicious when used in baking.

I like using dried chickpeas which I then soak for at least 12hrs to get rid of the undigestible sugars that often cause gas or bloating in some people. Once my chickpeas are cooked (boiled) I can use them in various dishes all week long. You can also use canned chickpeas for this recipe.

  • 2 cups cooked chickpeas
  • 4 tbs (generous) natural peanut-butter
  • 1/4 cup (or more if you prefer) pure maple-syrup
  •  pinch of Himalayan fine sea salt and cinnamon (optional)
  • 3 drops natural vanilla extract
  • handful of chocolate chips (I prefer Enjoy Life or Camino brands)


  1. place all the above (except chocolate-chips) in your blender
  2. blend until everything is well mixed
  3. stir in chocolate chips
  4. place a tsp amount size cookie on your baking tray
  5. bake @350f for 20min. (should make appox. 20 or more cookies)