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What we eat and how we eat has a lot to do with how we feel or what’s happening at that particular time in our lives. If we want to get real deep, we know that for some, behavioural habits stem from deep routed issues. For the sake of not getting too psycho-analytical, I’m keeping it simple and giving you an easy guide that most of us could apply to our lifestyle. Food should only be consumed to nourish oneself, but in a fast paced, high stress society, some not-so-healthy behavioral habits unfortunately take over.

Here are 4 simple tips to consider:

Pace of Eating
While eating is a natural human instinct, it’s important to recognize your habits. Your meals should be eaten with calm and enjoyment. Make sure you’re chewing your food properly so that indigestion can be avoided. Eating really quickly or under stress often encourages over-eating and results in dissatisfaction.

Meal Frequency
Frequency of meals is the key to healthy eating beahviour. It’s important to eat every three to four hours in order to avoid choosing the wrong foods. By doing so, you will keep your blood-sugar stable. When blood-sugar dips too low, mood changes and other physical warning signs occur telling us that the body is struggling for energy. A lot of people who are on-the-go are often culprits of bad eating behaviours and quick fixes like sugary, processed or fast-food. Planning ahead with healthy meals and snacks can make those situations easily avoidable. Keep a snack in your purse, desk or even car so that it’s always accessible when you need it most.

Binge-eating be Gone
We are all aware that binging on comfort foods when emotions are high only results in feelings of guilt afterwards. If you’re feeling guilty after consuming a meal or copious amounts of snacks, you have most likely chosen the wrong foods or over-eaten. Writing down what you were feeling during that time will help you to understand why you are doing it. Many people hide these behaviours and indulge most often when they are alone. Choosing to engage in an activity instead of using food for self-medicating is a better option.

Mindless Eating
This is a pretty common one. Mindless eating while studying or watching television can be easily fixed. Either choose healthier options by crunching on the right stuff or eat filling meals before hand and avoid snacking altogether. It’s important to be conscious of the food in front of you and enjoy every bite. Sitting at a table and enjoying the moment can help you to be better aware.

To put it simply, food is a good thing. It nourishes you and like a car, it’s the fuel to your body that keeps it moving. Eating in a balanced, healthy way without guilt is the best way to eat. As long as you are aware of your behaviours and keep them in check, you will be able to enjoy all foods including those indulgences. I truly believe that our eating behaviours are directly linked to how we feel about ourselves and nourishing your body appropriately will only make you feel good. Celebrate, and enjoy the behavior of eating.

Written by Pamela
I started this website as a place for me to share my combined knowledge and passion for fitness and nutrition. I hope to encourage and inspire people to make healthy-eating, a lifestyle.

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