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By Lucy Wyndham, Nutritionist and Freelance Writer

What Should You Eat After A Work Out?

Over 50% of Canadians don’t fully understand nutrition. This is problematic for people who work out regularly, as post exercise nutrition can have a huge effect on their fitness goals. Recent research has found that what you eat after you exercise is an essential part of maximizing your results, so good nutrition will help you to lose weight and gain muscle – but on the other hand, poor nutrition could hold you back.

Here is a useful guide to post work out nutrition so that you can follow a healthy, balanced diet, whether you are cardio crazy or obsessed with strength training.

The Importance Of Protein After Exercise

While you are exercising – whether you are running for miles or lifting heavy weights – you are effectively tearing up and breaking down your muscles, and this causes the them to have low levels of glycogen. When you finish working out your body will then try to repair the muscles and replenish glycogen levels, but this requires protein. So if you are eating lots of protein you will see results faster – but if you aren’t eating enough, you may not notice any muscle gain.

It is also worth noting that protein is especially important for power lifters and strength trainers, as the more weight you lift, the more damaged your muscles will be. But how much protein should you be eating? On the days that you work out you should aim to eat at least one gram, eating at least 50g after the work out (official US guides suggest around 50g a day).  However if you’re getting more than 35% of your daily calories from protein, it is likely you are eating too much.

Including Protein In Your Post Work Out Meal

There are lots of great sources of protein but plant-based options are optimal for your health. There’s a common misconception that you need to consume lots of poultry and fish in your diet to hit your protein requirements, but actually there are plenty of vegan alternatives that are arguably better for you. Protein can be found in nuts and seeds, lentils, whole grains and soy products, but it’s important that you combine your protein with carbs to get the most from your post-workout meal. You might try some whole grain crackers with cashew nut butter, a lentil burger in a brown bun, or the old classic of baked beans on toast mixed with roasted vegetables on the side.

Post work out nutrition helps to replenish your glycogen levels so that your body can recover effectively. This will make it easier for you to reach your fitness and health goals.

Written by Pamela
I started this website as a place for me to share my combined knowledge and passion for fitness and nutrition. I hope to encourage and inspire people to make healthy-eating, a lifestyle.

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